
These new MOTUO guys are obscure, most people don't know who they are. I couldn't even make a bio for him. All we know about him is that he's a Snake Men Squad Leader. I might give him a Rattlor harness. I also made He-Ra.



 This obscure character is based on the original sketch for She-Ra. I also made Sharella & the Panther men.


Panther Men

These obscure guys were in a book with a lot of other crazy characters. i also made zak, gofo, uromastyx, the galactic guards & the kryon guards.



Back to regular obscure characters. Zak is from the DC & Dark Horse comic books. I also made the Palace Troopers, Frog Monger, Meow & Eternity He-Man.


Frog Monger

These new MOTUO characters are obscure so here's another one. I changed his bio because that mini-comic didn't make any sense. I also made Ultimate Battleground Randor, Tung & Serpent Claw Man-at-Arms


Serpent Claw Man-at-Arms

Are Origins repaints obscure? I had an extra Dawg-o-Tor so here is a Classics version of the Origins figure. I also made Zombor, the Repulsive Reptiles & Lady Slither.