Horde Skull Trooper

This obscure guy was in the Dark Horse comic I also made Bolt-Man

Evil Horde enslaver

In the realm of Apollyos in the heart of The Great Perpetuum, lived Skeletor's people, The Krayniums. After Skeletor joined the Evil Horde, he became a Force Commander. He recruited other Krayniums to join the Horde as Skull Troopers. They went about the universe enslaving worlds for the Horde. Years later on Eternia, Skeletor told Evil-lyn about his past but then later he learned that this was a false memory.

When Despara learned that Skeletor & Evil-Lyn created a Man-Ram from Skeletor's false memories to serve him as one of his Evil Warriors, she commanded Shadow Weaver to create one of the Skull Troopers from Skeletor's false memories in order to disturb him & to assist the torturor Overseer.



Bolt-Man is another obscure ROTS guy, he's like a living battery. He introduced the Snake Men in his Origins mini-comic. I also made Terror Bat, Hypno, Holographo, Zap Man & Kikto.


Terror Bat

This guy is so obscure he only appeared in this short cartoon & we don't know anything about him. Maybe he's an ancient ancestor of the Speleans?  I also made Terror Wolf & Holographo.



This obscure Ruler of The Sun hero was released in a 3-pack. I also made Kikto, Zap-Man & Hexon.



This obscure time wizard appeared in the episode Time Doesn't Fly. I gave him the Wheel of Infinity & a shield. I also made Sibyline.



Sibyline is an obsure sorceress who appeared in the episode The Defection. She started out evil & then turned Heroic. I bought her head & wand from Eternal Customs, I also made the Enchantress.



This obscure evil witch imprisoned King Miro in the episode Search for the Past.  Bought her head from Eternal Customs. I also made Battleground Sorceress.